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ID shark acting different

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ID shark acting different Empty ID shark acting different

Post by Sandman1969 Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:47 pm

Ok, our big ID shark that we've had for about 4yrs now is acting up towards one of the other 2 ID sharks. The big guy likes to hang out in the middle of the tank and when the other tries to get near him, he chases him off. It's odd as they are schooling fish & prefer the company, so not sure why he does this.
They are all well fed. So food fighting or anything.

Any ideas?

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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ID shark acting different Empty Re: ID shark acting different

Post by GaryE Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:21 pm

Shoals have structure, and the alpha has to assert himself. Three isn't a social group size for such a species, and as he grows and matures, he will target subordinates that don't know their place. The behavior that wouldn't matter much in a shoal becomes a problem when there are only 3 fish.
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ID shark acting different Empty Re: ID shark acting different

Post by Sandman1969 Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:47 pm

These 3 have been together for a few months or so now & this is the first time the big guy has done this.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Join date : 2013-09-15

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