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Algae question

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Algae question Empty Algae question

Post by Sandman1969 Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:42 am

On a new-ish tank, how long does it take for algae to start forming on the glass? We are thinking about getting another pleco for that tank. The original plan was to put the now passed on pleco in that same tank. I know it's not necessary for it to have algae on the glass, but am just curious about it.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Algae question Empty Re: Algae question

Post by nyleveiam Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:16 pm

First I find the brown spotted algae, Diatoms, I believe, and that is usually in the first three to four months. That will vanish on its own, to be replaced by regular green algae, IF it's going to grow in that tank. It doesn't always grow in all of my tanks.
It has taken since early June to grow any at all in my Endler tank, figures since they like algae! And, it hardly grows at all in there even now.
One of my 5.5 gallon Betta tanks is constantly green on the glass and decorations and it HAS a pleco, too. He's very fat, but still can't keep ahead of it! Go figure!
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Algae question Empty Re: Algae question

Post by GaryE Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:46 pm

Just remember, while Ancistrus are algae eaters, the common pleco isn't. It prefers detritus and plants. It isn't very interested in algae as it ages, and only seems to go for it when it's young and always starving.
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Algae question Empty Re: Algae question

Post by nyleveiam Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:56 pm

Well, it is a sailfin bristlenose, if that makes a difference, but it IS young. I just added another to that tank today when I discovered my new angels destroying its tail and dorsal fins. They are both happily cleaning up the back glass right now. The betta is a bit miffed though!
Both are supposed to stay really small, but I agree, they are young enough still to think they are starving to death!!! I'll take it while it works! I really LOVE watching them. The BN has grown a ton in just three weeks. I have one at work that is about five inches which I do not consider really small!!! But, smaller than a common, I guess.
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Algae question Empty Re: Algae question

Post by l_l_l Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:31 am

On my tank, it took one year to develop algae on the front glass.
But I got a load of plants and shrimp and snails. So that takes care of most of it usually.

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Algae question Empty Re: Algae question

Post by Sandman1969 Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:48 pm

GaryE, my plecos still attach themselves to the glass of my 130G tank.
My female was about 20yrs old while the male, if I did it right, is around 10.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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