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Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?

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Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?   Empty Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?

Post by Shell Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:16 pm

One of our most favorite fish guys brought in these fish at our LFS. Cool looking fish. Anyone have experience with them?
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Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?   Empty Re: Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?

Post by Biulu Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:47 am

I have only caught the rosy bitterling here in China (Hubei province) but not the Taiwanese one.

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Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?   Empty Re: Any experience with Taiwan Bitterling?

Post by GaryE Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:41 am

They used to be popular, as they were in my grandfather's fish books. I read about them, but didn't keep them.
They have a symbiotic relationship with mussels, and lay their eggs in them. It's a really specialized lifestyle, and I think it killed them as an aquarium fish as they have to be wild caught. Not many of us have Chinese freshwater mussels sitting around in our tanks.
They were said to be hardy and don't need heated tanks. They do like space and slightly hard water. Other than that - tiny carp that are easy to keep.
They have a barb's lifespan, not long like a goldfish, and they get nice colours at this time of year, for breeding. I don't know how they react to being unable to breed without mussels. The ones Biulu caught would be the same species. The Taiwanese ones are the same species as are found on the mainland.

It's not one you'll see often, or find a lot of info on.
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