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Heater question

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Heater question Empty Heater question

Post by Orlon11 Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:47 pm

I have an extra heater that should be able to go on my ten gallon. Unfortunately, I have to keep the water level low because there's a leak near the top, and the heater is not fully submersible and hangs off the side.

I think this setup probably isn't safe - can anyone confirm?

Heater question 2014-032

I may just have to move the endler females back to the big tank. As for the Badis badis, they are apparently quite tolerant of lower temperatures, and should be fine in an unheated tank.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Heater question Empty Re: Heater question

Post by Suprd71 Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:01 am

As long as the heating coil/element is submerged, its ok. Turn it on, feel the top part that is out of water. If that gets hot, then no good.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Heater question Empty Re: Heater question

Post by alexmtl Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:54 am

Oooh, that's a vintage heater. I havea few that are performing quite well. On the other side of the coin, I have had two antiques that had a catastrophic failure recently. Ideally you want one of the submersible that completely has the glass portion under water in order to avoid glass rupture and overworking. That is the key contributor to failure; the overworking of the element causing meltdown of the register contacts (in the ON position).

You may wish to consider insulating the exposed portion.
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