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The MTS phases explained by a German...

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Biulu Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:35 pm

I read this on the page of Carsten Ziemke from Leipzig and decided to translate it, as it gives a great insight in how MTS develops and what its characteristics are.

An old expression from aquarium fans is: 'for a well kept fish there are few impediments for reproduction'. However, to be able to keep your fish 'well' you need to carry out an intensive study of the corresponding literature and you need to build contacts with experienced fish keepers.

In other words: to be able to just answer the question of how to take care as well as possible for my fish, it is necessary to invest a lot of time and also a certain stress resistance.

But with all these efforts, our fish will reproduce themselves with some luck. For the grow out of these fry and juveniles it is necesssary to buy a new tank. In this phase the person involved starts showing the first symptoms of the quickly approaching 'aquaritys' (MTS). Soon other tanks are being established each free corner of the living room, storage rooms, basement, balcony etc.

In the next stage of aquaritys, the 'infected' person goes out into the field with nets and containers and compulsively looks for small water bodies to find other inhabitants for its tanks. The person also starts being a member of a club to be able to meet people that have also been infected with aquaritys.

In the final phase of aquaritys the person in question comes home from club auctions and meetings with extremely colourless fishes and a heavenly look on their face, passing hours in front of their tanks, photographing the fishes and even starts writing about them (like in this forum!).

At this point, the aquaritys has become chronic and without remedy.....

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Sbenson11 Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:07 am

Hmmmm, I think we have a few members that fit this description quite well Smile

Not me of course, I can quite anytime I want,

Really I can.


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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by GaryE Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:31 am

Granted, we are crazy. But it's all a subset of "Learningitis", which our non fishkeeping friends would like to see accompanied by laryngitis sometimes. It's not far from gardenitis, quiltitis, birdwatchitis, carshowitis, the mothwatch virus, comicbook syndrome, bookitis, old film syndrome, Gamer's twitch and a host of other maladies that make life interesting.
I stopped worrying after my 14th tank. But I had five aquariums when I was 12...MTS will not kill you. Partners may because of the tanks, but not MTS...
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Biulu Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:07 am

This is the part I like best:
In the final phase of aquaritys the person in question comes home from club auctions and meetings with extremely colourless fishes and a heavenly look on their face

I am always being accused of keeping only 'sinco's' (without colour in Spanish) as well as somebody else on this forum that I know personally...

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Sbenson11 Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:21 am

Biulu wrote:This is the part I like best:
In the final phase of aquaritys the person in question comes home from club auctions and meetings with extremely colourless fishes and a heavenly look on their face

I am always being accused of keeping only 'sinco's' (without colour in Spanish) as well as somebody else on this forum that I know personally...

I think whoever wrote that had you and Gary in mind Smile


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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Biulu Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:40 am

Definitively! Do you think it is genetic? I mean: I do have some German blood.... I am not sure about Gary though.... Laughing 

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by l_l_l Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:27 am

Hahaha, Very well said!
If I only knew that I'd get to 4 tanks in only one year..
I think that like Gary said, it is only part of the "Learningitis". I guess that some people are more curious about stuff than others!! Razz

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by nyleveiam Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:44 pm

OMG, I am also part German... maybe that is my problem!!!!
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by KristaLynn Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:24 am

Argh! My Grandma's German!
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by nyleveiam Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:20 am

My gramma, too!! Maybe we're relayed??
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by KristaLynn Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:50 am

That would explain a lot.
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by l_l_l Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:43 pm

Oh wait...
I also have German blood..

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Biulu Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:30 pm

KristaLynn wrote:That would explain a lot.

Nuh, I don't think so. I also had a German grandmother and I am not into poodles. Dogs yes, poodles no. In general no dogs that need to see the hair stylist as often as I do.

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Sbenson11 Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:40 pm

What is it with you people, wandering off talking about dogs again, Smile

As much as it pains me to jump in on this I will add my $.02

After two German Shepard's I was sick of chasing down the tumble weeds of dog fur blowing down the hallway. So when my wife suggested a Poodle mix for our next dog I was ecstatic. Yes you have to take them to get a hair cut ever 3-4 months but at least they don't shed.

Now there you made me post a dog comment in a fish thread, are you happy now.


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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by nyleveiam Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:42 pm

Okay, guys... it worked!!! We can stop talking dogs now, LOL!
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by alexmtl Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:58 pm

Sbenson11 wrote:Now there you made me post a dog comment in a fish thread, are you happy now.

Now if we can only get Steve to talk about snails...
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Sbenson11 Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:00 pm

alexmtl wrote:
Sbenson11 wrote:Now there you made me post a dog comment in a fish thread, are you happy now.

Now if we can only get Steve to talk about snails...

If your going to dream, you might as well dream big. Smile


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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by Orlon11 Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:16 pm

One of us! One of us! Wink
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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by l_l_l Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:09 am

Hahaha, oh furballs are not fun to chase around.
I often wonder what I could do with all that fur I throw away..
Maybe I can use it as filter floss? :O

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The MTS phases explained by a German... Empty Re: The MTS phases explained by a German...

Post by KristaLynn Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:11 am

3-4 months Steve? My girls don't go 3-4 weeks without being on the table! On the other hand the last time my hair got cut was by my mom, who does not cut hair, after she had a few drinks. It is not even.
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