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Prepping for vacation

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Prepping for vacation Empty Prepping for vacation

Post by Orlon11 Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:31 pm

I'm leaving for a couple weeks to go visit family back in Italy. Just wondering if there's anything special I should do to prepare my tanks? I have a friend who will be coming by every couple days to feed the cats and fish. I've shown him how I hand feed the scarlet badis, although honestly I think they'd probably get by on shrimplets.

I'm not going to ask him to do water changes though. The fish should be fine for 17 days right?

Both tanks are planted, the 25 is definitely understocked. I'm more concerned about the 10 with nine pretty large female endler guppies and two Badis badis.

I just rinsed out the filter media and did a water change on the 25, tomorrow Ill change out most of the water in the 10.

Is there anything else I'm not thinking of?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by hello_rockview12 Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:08 pm

Always remember not to rinse all of your media, that's where all the good bacteria is, but I'm sure you know that. I think that's just fine. Fish can go days without eating so every other day is a ok for a couple weeks. Also don't fret the water change, they'll be fine Smile. Happy travels!

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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Shell Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:05 pm

I'm thinking that they will be fine. Once we were at my parents for 14 days and the fish fasted for 5 of those days, and were fed every other day - wc before we left, another as soon as we got back, all was fine.   Smile
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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Biulu Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:32 pm

For people that are not used to feeding fish over feeding is easy especially when they don't come in every day.

If you have a pill box with these compartments for daily ratios, you can prepare the right amount to be fed each time. Makes it easier for them too!

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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Sbenson11 Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:47 am

Your tanks should be fine for that time frame. Just make sure they don't over feed your fish. As Biulu suggested, if you had some way of measuring the food for each feeding. I deal with large fish and large food so I measure out ziplock bags for each feeding and put a box of the bags next to each tank.


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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by alexmtl Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:34 am

I go to the Dollar store and get the snack size ziplock baggies. I pre-measure the amount of food for each tank. I actually tape the baggie to the tank. For 17 days, every second day feeding, that is about 8 baggies.

I leave my Endlers in the office without food over the long weekends. This last weekend they were quite fine for four days.

I have timers on all of my tanks (about $6 each at the hardware store and the dollar store has then but I don't but these) so the lighting is not a problem with the autotimers. No need for heaters, so avoid the potential for a heater failure by pulling them off line until you come back.

The only other point is using a net in the unfortunate event that a fish dies. You'll want to get it out quickly so have a net ready for the fish sitter to use.
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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Orlon11 Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:56 pm

He's got a saltwater tank so hopefully he knows what he's doing food-wise. I already have the timers since I'm not good at remembering to turn the lights on and off at the right times, and I took the heater out a while ago when the nice weather started.

Here's hoping all goes well! "See" you all when I get back!
Angel Fish
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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Biulu Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:52 pm

Enjoy your trip! Greetings from Vancouver to all of you!

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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Orlon11 Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:22 pm

Looks like everyone is in good shape! The pleco ate the bottoms of my stem plants and the 10 is a little overgrown with algae (no algae eaters!), but all the fish are still there.
Angel Fish
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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by alexmtl Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:42 pm

Orlon11 wrote:Looks like everyone is in good shape! The pleco ate the bottoms of my stem plants and the 10 is a little overgrown with algae (no algae eaters!), but all the fish are still there.

Congratulations ! Hope you enjoyed your vacation without worrying too much about the fish ! Welcome back Smile 
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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by CAAIndie Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:45 pm

Welcome back Orlon11. Hope you had a great time.

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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by goldfishbetalover Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:04 pm

happy all is well!
it is a worry when leaving our finned friends for a time!
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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Biulu Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:50 pm

Great that no major damage was done! It makes coming back home so much nicer.

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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Sbenson11 Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:28 pm

Great news, everyone is safe and sound.

By the way they don't have the internet in Italy? You couldn't pop on and say hello from over there? Not that I'm jealous or anything that you got to go to somewhere that I have never been and would love to go.

Just saying Smile


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Prepping for vacation Empty Re: Prepping for vacation

Post by Orlon11 Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:58 pm

I try to make it a policy to stay off the web when I'm on holiday, except for the essentials. God knows I spend enough time on it the rest of the year Wink
Angel Fish
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