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Brine shrimp net size

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Brine shrimp net size Empty Brine shrimp net size

Post by Orlon11 Sun May 18, 2014 1:14 pm

I bought a small packet of brine shrimp eggs the other day because it seemed pretty cheap ($4.50), and I just set up a very low tech hatchery for them (it's basically just a big tupperware with an air tube stuck in it). But now I'm wondering about how to get them out when they hatch - I think my regular fish nets have too coarse a mesh. I also don't think I'll have a chance to get to a pet store in the near future. Could I collect them in a piece of fabric, like a piece of old t-shirt or something? Maybe a nylon stocking? Or do I have to worry about detergent residue if I do that?

Also, should I stick the rest of the foil packet in the freezer?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by GaryE Sun May 18, 2014 7:53 pm

Yes, in the freezer, and the best 'depannage' net is a coffee filter. The small containers of cysts are uneven in their results - they are often left around for a long time. I hope it works for you!
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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by Biulu Sun May 18, 2014 9:16 pm

I used to use a nylon stocking in Mexico. I then turned it inside out in some water to rinse it and I sucked it up with a syringe or an eye drop thing.

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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by alexmtl Mon May 19, 2014 9:13 am

I have purchased several types of brine shrimp egg products : glass vial 6g, aluminum pouch 6g and the ready to use with salt type. I agree with Gary, all give uneven results as the hatch time extends over many days as well the hatch rate is sometimes as low as 25% (estimate). I was fortunate enough to find the glass vials with a production date so I knew it was fresh.

I use a low tech method as well. The large tupperware 2L shallow pans from the dollar store. I have a large office lamp with a 13W CFL that I use to shine light into the bottom of the pan so I can collect them. I use a medicine dropper (bought from any pharmacy) to suction up the BBS.

I have used stockings, regular fine nets and coffee filters. The best results are with a shrimp net (very fine hole cloth). If you cannot find one the paper coffee filter will do a good job.

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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by Orlon11 Mon May 19, 2014 2:46 pm

Well, so far nothing seems to be happening. I think maybe the eggs are bad.
Angel Fish
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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by alexmtl Mon May 19, 2014 3:57 pm

If there is a rotten egg or a fishy smell from the water then most likely the eggs had been subject to humidity and went rotten in the package. I learned my lesson when I bought some eggs from an internet supplier that packaged in plastic ziplock. Problem is that the thin plastic does not completely keep water or humidity out of the package, and probably needs to be frozen to prevent the eggs from spoiling.
If the eggs were in glass or vacuum pack aluminum you should be ok. It can take up to two to three days for a hatch out from low quality eggs.
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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by Orlon11 Mon May 19, 2014 4:49 pm

I looked more closely and saw some nauplii, but they are so few that it's very hard to collect them in a dropper. I barely managed to get any in the tank.

I'll try waiting a bit longer to see if more will hatch out
Angel Fish
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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by alexmtl Mon May 19, 2014 5:46 pm

Use a lamp to attract them. If you see a few nauplii then it may just be the start. They are attracted to light and will gather towards it in about 5 minutes.

Once you concentrate them you can suction them up.
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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by Orlon11 Wed May 21, 2014 5:48 pm

I gave up on the tupperware and made a hatchery out of a cut-up soda bottle, with the airline taped against the side to keep it at the bottom - and tonight I was able to dump quite a lot of bbs in the tank Very Happy

Of course the endlers sucked up a lot of them (they're greedy little buggers, even the fry), but the badis managed to get quite a few so I'm considering it a success!
Angel Fish
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Brine shrimp net size Empty Re: Brine shrimp net size

Post by alexmtl Thu May 22, 2014 5:55 am

Congratulations ! The inverted bottle hatchery is an excellent method and very efficient
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