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Out with the Old in with the New

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Out with the Old in with the New

Post by guppyguy Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:23 pm

So ends my time of breeding the Red Snakeskin Endlers. Due to limited space and me bringing in more wild endler strains. I have made sure enough have made it into homes of my local aquarium society members to carry it on in this area. And it is a big job as the colony was large. I sold 60 fish nearly 2 weeks ago and have around another 50 to go. My new blue star endlers will be taking over there tank with a brand new aqua scape. Been planning the new tank layout and design. Will be completed in 2 weeks. I am sure we have all at some point had to move out one type of fish to make room for new.  Rolling Eyes 

Out with the Old in with the New Red_ti10

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Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by alexmtl Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:55 pm

Sad to move on, but necessary. Sorry to hear as all fish that I have bred are dear to me. Nice work ! I am sure many will enjoy the fruits of your labour !
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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by Biulu Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:09 pm

Nice fish, but you are right; there are so many nice fish that sometimes you need to make space for another one.

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by guppyguy Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:17 pm

alexmtl wrote:Sad to move on, but necessary. Sorry to hear as all fish that I have bred are dear to me. Nice work ! I am sure many will enjoy the fruits of your labour !

I feel the same way Alex. I hate giving up fish I been breeding for a while but these things have to happen from time to time. Other are enjoying them that is for sure.

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Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by guppyguy Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:18 pm

Biulu wrote:Nice fish, but you are right; there are so many nice fish that sometimes you need to make space for another one.

Yes sometimes you just have to make room for that fish you want just a bit more or is one of your wish list fish. I have been doing well working on the wish list this year.

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Location : Wheatley, ON

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by l_l_l Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:43 am

Well you made quite a difference!! Now other people can take on the challenge! Smile

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by CAAIndie Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:02 pm

Definitely excited to see your new aquascape and blue star endlers. Both are stunning fish, and it's exciting that you could share your red snakeskins with so many other people.

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by guppyguy Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:56 pm

l_l_l wrote:Well you made quite a difference!! Now other people can take on the challenge! Smile

Thank you I appreciate that.

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Location : Wheatley, ON

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Out with the Old in with the New Empty Re: Out with the Old in with the New

Post by guppyguy Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:58 pm

CanadaquariaAdmin wrote:Definitely excited to see your new aquascape and blue star endlers. Both are stunning fish, and it's exciting that you could share your red snakeskins with so many other people.

Yes others will enjoy them for sure. And the new once the new scape is done I will post pictures and a video. I am excited to set it up as you are to see it. The rest of the snkaeskin endlers are moving out on May 4th. But I did keep 5 really nice males to put in my 55 gallon display tank for as long as they last but no more breeding.  Smile 

Posts : 2165
Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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