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Anyone used underwater led lights?

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:43 pm

My 15g long has a screen lid and no light. I have a lamp that I set in front of it without a shade during the day and shut it off at night. Due to the screen lid I have to balance it on the tank...it is safe, but I wouldn't put a light on it so I have order a submersible 31cm/12 led. Just wondering if anyone else has used any type of underwater light. I know one of the associates at the lps had mentioned yesterday that she has one in her tank but...she also told me (tried to) that Apple Snails lay eggs in the gravel everyday...
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Shell Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:02 pm

Hmmm... I have looked at these underwater lights, unfortunately I am of no help...but I look forward to any responses. Smile I like the idea of underwater lights, just not sure what to consider...good question! Thoughts from others?
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by caoder Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:40 pm

usually low power, but it really depends on what you would like to use it for.
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:02 pm

I just kinda want some sort of light in the tank as the lamp doesn't really do much good lol kinda glares off the glass and I had thought about just getting one to set on top of the screen lid but where I have the filter in there it doesn't sit right so I won't chance a light on that. Amazon says it will be here by the first or second week of April so I will have to see when it gets here but I would assume it would be somewhat more helpful than the lamp.
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Biulu Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:24 pm

I bought some years ago a blue light that I wanted to use as a kind of night lamp in the tank. The light worked fine however the suction cups didn't hold the weight of the tube and the lamp ended up on the gravel every time.

So I stopped using it.

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by mikebike Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:00 am

I forgot to replace the flourecent canopy on top of the tank after cleaning I normaly place it shining trought the back of the tank. On time I forgot and liked the efect and left it with light shinning through about 1/2 way up across the back.
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:54 am

Hmmm...well now I am impatient for it to arrive so I can really check it over...I actually doubt it will stay in place due to the fact that it is going in with the big fish and they will rearrange things if they can. Last night Cockoo-Loca (the pleco) knocked over the hollow log...not sure if I should bother putting it back up or not! lol
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Mr. Mom Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:39 pm

We picked up a blue LED light with an airstone tube together ... for the rear base of our paludarium ... all I can say is it's on for 12 hrs a day .... and already half the LED's are burnt out. It was cheap and now I know why.
We do like the ambiance it gives at night in a dark room ... plus the shadows of the fish on the walls .... my son comments on.
Their are good ones out there I know ... and I'll be shopping around and checking a bit more when we finally replace this one.
I've only had in since Oct.

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Starfish Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:00 pm

Here is my LED. As you can see, it is for decoration and ambiance only. It looks kind of cool when all the other lights are off in the room.
Anyone used underwater led lights? Img_2710

I have some other ones with suction cups to stick on the sides of the glass, that came with a used aquarium several years ago but just never got around to trying them out. I think one was blue and one white. Guess I should dig them out.
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:41 am

That's kind of cool Starfish, and cheesy at the same time.

But I like cheesy Smile

Where did you get that?


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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:48 am

I agree with @Sbenson11 aside from the cheesy part lol I like cheese...mmmmm nom nom nom...oh wait...not that kind! I will have to post pics once I have things figured out with my 4 tanks and get this light. I have been learning about air stones and some of the deco that I got in that "care package" awhile back. Need a newer air pump and som more valves and lines...maybe a couple of air pumps since I have 4 tanks lol
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Sandman1969 Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:28 am

Don't LEDs affect certain fish though? I know I can't get any as they mess with my ID sharks.

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:22 am

Oh no, I hope not...I have a pleco and 2 redtailed black sharks in the tank I am going to be using this light in...unless I luck out and find them a bigger tank before hand!
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Mr. Mom Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:43 am

Sandman1969 wrote:Don't LEDs affect certain fish though? I know I can't get any as they mess with my ID sharks.

I'd never heard of this and would like to know more .... We have LED's on 2 of 5 tanks. I know there should be a dark time period, for sleeping patterns for most species of fish. But I'd never heard of LED's being harmful to any fish per say.

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Sandman1969 Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:07 pm

I know I can't use them as it would drive the ID sharks stir crazy.

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Starfish Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:58 pm

Sbenson11 wrote:That's kind of cool Starfish, and cheesy at the same time.

But I like cheesy Smile

Where did you get that?


I first saw it at Big Al's, but then found it on Amazon.ca for half the price so ordered from there.

Yah, it is cheesy, but I like it. Very Happy
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:24 pm

Love Amazon! That's where I ordered my light from.
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by GaryE Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:42 am

A lot of fish orient by light, so a light in the tank would set them off. That is more common with open water, quick moving fish, and very few of them are in the hobby. In the wild, a 'shark' would navigate great distances at high speed, so where the light is matters to them, be it the moon or sun.
Plecos and red tails don't travel much. I don't think it would bother them.
I use one screen topped reptile tank (it holds water just fine) and put a suspended pendant light over it, from the ceiling.
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:56 am

@GaryE I was thinking about doing that also but for right now it kinda isn't an options. I am hoping to soon be buying a house, then it will be an option Smile I have noticed that Cockoo-Loca (the pleco) and the 2 Redtailed Sharks don't go very far...every now and then they will come out and swim around but usually they just kinda hang out in a cave. And yes, it is a reptile tank...I got a steal on it...even with my oldest daughter cracking one side and having to replace that, I still got a steal on it. I am now wishing I have a 40 or 50g kicking around...found someone who wants to trade a 90g with everything for a 40 or 50. A 90g would be great for Cockoo-Loca and the sharks! Hmmmm...wonder if they'd accept 2 15g's and a 10g! lol
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:18 pm

My light came!! A little early too...neither Cuckoo-Loca nor the red tailed black has any interest in it...just doing their usual "hide and seek" lol
Anyone used underwater led lights? Dsc02210
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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by Biulu Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:47 pm

It gives a nice effect, especially in the evening!

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Anyone used underwater led lights? Empty Re: Anyone used underwater led lights?

Post by JanesAddiction Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:14 pm

I am in love with the fact that I can see that tank! lol
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