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Angelfish?? Empty Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:55 pm

Going to look at the new tank tonight and put a deposit on it as I cannot get it through my snow path safely yet. This will be home to Cuckoo-Loca the pleco, as well as the 2 red tailed black sharks. The seller then msgs me and lists a bunch of fish that she has available as well as she has Angelfish that will be ready soon...I SO WANT ONE!!! I have researched and I can keep all together, however...should I go with 1 or 3? I say 3 cause I know it is a safer number if a breeding pair comes out however, I really am not wanting to breed them so would 1 be ok alone? I CANNOT wait to get this new tank home and set up!!!!
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Aquaman_95 Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:50 pm

I never recommend three to any of my customers at PetSmart, for the sole reason of if they do indeed pair up, they pair will bully the third one to death. I say one, or two is fine. If you want to do more than two, I recommend four. Which size tank would you be putting them into?

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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:14 pm

I am getting a 55g for $150!!!! Gorgeous tank...it is in one of my other threads. If I were to get 2 would there be an issue if they don't pair up?
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Aquaman_95 Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:14 pm

I see no issue with two, especially if they don't pair up. I have seven in my 55 gallon, and they get along swimmingly.

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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Starfish Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:50 pm

I have a single angel in my 75g community. His tankmates are 3 denison barbs, 3 turquoise rainbows, 2 african butterfly cichlids. (gosh, I think it is time for more fish in that tank Wink) He is just fine in there and is about 3 times the size he was when I got him less than a year ago. You will be fine with just one. That is if you can stop at just one. Laughing
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:53 pm

lol I go to pay the deposit tomorrow and will get to see them so we will see...$4 each Smile
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Biulu Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:17 pm

I have learned the hard way that 3 never is a good number whether they pair up or not.

I had 2 angels in a 180 litre bow front and they turned out to be 2 males. There was some bickering now and then but nothing serious as I got them together as very young and small fish.

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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:41 pm

These will be young and small as they aren't ready. I plan on 1...we will see how that goes! lol
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Suprd71 Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:50 am

Good luck with the Angels, generally good community cichlids. You still have a problem with the pleco however. 55g still far too small for such a fish. Will quickly degrade water quality.
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:17 am

@Suprd71...yes, I know but it is a major step up from the 12.88g that it has been  in for a yr and a half with the 2 sharks Smile
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by CAAIndie Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:47 am

Angelfish are lovely community fish, and would do very well in a 55 gallon tank. Unfortunately I will echo what @suprd71 , while I agree that a 55 is definitely a step up, it is still not suitable for a common pleco. If I was in your situation, I would avoid adding any additional fish to the tank until the pleco has a suitably sized home. Otherwise the stress of the bioload from the pleco will be on the other occupants. Hopefully this does not come across harshly, rather with honest concern for the occupants on the tank.

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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:27 pm

No...as cute as the angels are...I don't think I want to get any...at this time that is Smile They are SO tiny!!!!! Not even an inch high!!
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Aquaman_95 Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:31 pm

JanesAddiction wrote:No...as cute as the angels are...I don't think I want to get any...at this time that is Smile They are SO tiny!!!!! Not even an inch high!!
All of mine started out roughly the size of a quarter. But, they can grow so large!

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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:52 pm

Oh I know! She has 5 full grown adults there and they are gorgeous...but not right now...future!
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by Starfish Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:39 pm

Congrats for being strong and resisting temptation. Always best to wait until the timing is right for you and the fishies.
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by GaryE Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:34 am

Yup, I admire self-discipline!

You never buy a one inch angel. Whatever size it is when you buy it, you have to think like you are buying a full sized adult. It's the same with any fish (including, unfortunately, the dreaded common pleco - the milk cow in the kitchen of aquariums).

If you care enough to join a forum, you are a good aquarist. And if you are good at this, your fish will grow to their full potential really fast. I'm constantly tempted by curious creatures I'd love to be able to watch in my tanks, but I've learned I can't always get a bigger tank down the road, and I only buy for the tanks I have. I saw a group of young Satanoperca daemon eartheaters Monday evening - that is my ultimate dream Cichlid. I love them. But they would outgrow any tank I have, and I had to walk away.
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Angelfish?? Empty Re: Angelfish??

Post by JanesAddiction Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:46 am

I will get something for one of the smaller tanks once everything is rearranged and ready...but nothing for the new tank. The woman I am buying the new tank from just upgraded to a 90g...maybe she'll upgrade again lol
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