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What I have been up to lately

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What I have been up to lately Empty What I have been up to lately

Post by l_l_l Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:25 am


You might have noticed that I haven't been that active on the forums lately. There has been a lot of changes in my life in the past few months. I recently separated and moved, had a lot of stuff going on at the same time.. Sad

Everything is much better today than it was a couple of months ago tho. And that means I also have more time for fishkeeping.

Anyways, lets jump straight to fish related stuff.
I'll just post a few pictures of my newest aquisitions and projects Smile

First of, here is my current setup, 2x5 gallon fry tanks, and a 20g long Iwugami setup, it is still very bare, waiting on spring to order some plants for it.
What I have been up to lately 8f4e64fe4cd399f2382c1b032e4c5ada

This is a setup I made for my current girlfriend,
What I have been up to lately 02c05d9c940d0c74a97f49148b5df275

This is my new Betta, he's in the 77g community tank.
What I have been up to lately 50a4f35a80e944de1aab85c1bf73cf72

This is my new Dwarf Gourami, he comes from a local breeder, hopefully he isn't as fragile as the asian farmed ones:
What I have been up to lately 5a78837560ecaab58f471b70c5c429fc

My girlfriend is a big Pleco fan, she has a huge collection and I'm starting to be fascinated by them..
I learned through her that plecos can be fun and that some of them are not ugly.

Here is one of my L201
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And here is my L018 (which she bought me for my birthday)
What I have been up to lately 8b0a93263536504974445b02930ca1f5

And finally, here is one of the new tennants of the 10g tank, which used to be Fighter's sanctuary. He's presently sharing with 2 other, hopefully I sexed them correctly (1male 2 females). They are also sharing space with cherry shrimp.
What I have been up to lately De50c6b636117dbd5a7134ef9dfb76bb

Hope you enjoyed Smile


Posts : 1465
Join date : 2014-03-08
Location : Montreal, QC


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What I have been up to lately Empty Re: What I have been up to lately

Post by Biulu Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:27 am

I love the hardscape in your 20 gallon long! Where did you get those nice stones?!

The fish in the last picture: are they the dwarf puffers that they have currently on sale in Aquarius? Caoder got some of those....

Posts : 3694
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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What I have been up to lately Empty Re: What I have been up to lately

Post by l_l_l Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:41 am

Thank you Smile
I got the stones at Aqua Sense, the new store that opened near the Atwater Market. Smile

It is a dwarf puffer, but I got him at my lfs called pattes et griffes,
It was 3 for 9.99$
They have been in their tank for a month now Smile
They already started eating Blood worms but I'm trying to get them to eat other stuff. Of course they have a nice supply of snails..


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Join date : 2014-03-08
Location : Montreal, QC


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What I have been up to lately Empty Re: What I have been up to lately

Post by Biulu Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:58 am

That is where I plan to get the petrified wood once a new 10 gallon comes in!

Caoder also got them to eat blood worms; tonight I will give him a nice colony of small snails that are bite size for these cuties.

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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What I have been up to lately Empty Re: What I have been up to lately

Post by guppyguy Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:01 pm

Everything looks great. Happy your settled and able to focus more on your tanks. Cool

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What I have been up to lately Empty Re: What I have been up to lately

Post by Shell Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:52 pm

What a beautiful betta - and that pic of the gourami is priceless....what a cutie!
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What I have been up to lately Empty Re: What I have been up to lately

Post by Aquaman_95 Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:31 pm

Overall you have a beautiful aquarium! I especially love the colours of the betta. I would almost describe them as neon. And seeing your puffer makes me especially nostalgic about having one!

Posts : 94
Join date : 2015-03-02
Location : Warner Robins, Georgia, United States

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