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Paying it Forward

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Paying it Forward Empty Paying it Forward

Post by Fishypastor Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:49 am

Well, being as I live 1 hour away from Regina here in Saskatchewan and there are not many fish keeps too close, this may or may not be helpful but since aquiring several tanks for free or for next to nothing I've collected several items that I don't need and that aren't worth much but am happy to share the wealth with others. So if anyone is interested in the following they are welcome to it. I could also bring it to Regina someday since I make several trips there a month. If anyone is new or needs this stuff let me know:
1) gravel
2) background for 20 G
3) background for 10 G
4) filter media pieces to seed or start cycling new tank (I'll Just take some biomax pieces out of one of my tanks and give it to you)
5) convict cichlids (they should be ready to go in a month or so) - as many as you want Smile

I have some other stuff laying around that I can't think of, so just ask, if you are in need let me know... hoping the karma will pay off for me one day and I'll have absolute aquarium bliss Smile

Last edited by Fishypastor on Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by CAAIndie Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:07 am

Very generous of you Fishypastor. I'm sure someone will snap some of it up. Good luck.

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:18 am

What a great idea,

If anyone out there wants to send me their free stuff I would gladly take it. I mean if there is anyone out there in NEED of any stuff Smile

I have been given a lot of fish related gear over the years by people looking to rehome their goldfish. Most of it has moved on to people I find looking to get started in fish keeping. The only condition I have is that if it turns out to not be for you, give it to someone else or return it to me and I will find someone else who needs it.


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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Fishypastor Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:57 am

I can now add Kribensis fry to the list. I've got some young ones up and coming. Not sure how old they need to be for safe transport, but you are welcome to them when the time comes.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Location : Saskatchewan

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by hello_rockview12 Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:48 am

I'd be willing to trade you some plants for some Krib fry at some point. I'd probably have room come spring.

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Location : Regina

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Fishypastor Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:54 pm

That would be great. I might want to grab the plants before spring, but you'd be welcome to them whenever you are ready. They are soooo fun to watch and the parents colors are incredible with the fry around. Will try to get some more pictures of them.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by hello_rockview12 Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:24 pm

Awesome! You're welcome to my plant stash anytime. Let me know when you're coming to town and you can swing by! I don't have much available right now besides amazon swords.

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:17 am

This is so awesome to hear!!! Wish I was closer! I am picking up a "care package" of items tomorrow! So excited as then I'll be able to set my empty tank for my brand new guppy fry!
Pleco Poster
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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Sher0808 Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:58 pm

Fishypaster, what direction do you live from Regina? I live an hour away as well.
Fish Fry
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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by hello_rockview12 Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:42 am

Hooray, another Saskatchewan member!

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Fishypastor Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:57 am

Sher0808 wrote:Fishypaster, what direction do you live from Regina?  I live an hour away as well.

I'm an hour straight east of Regina on number one. If you are ever out this way let me know.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Sher0808 Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:50 am

I live southeast on Hwy 39. Small world hey? Smile Smile lol!
Fish Fry
Fish Fry

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Paying it Forward Empty Re: Paying it Forward

Post by JanesAddiction Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:03 pm

Thought I would share this here since it is a PIF...My female guppy dropped 40 fry Thursday and I have the 10g currently running and a 15g going up tomorrow...still wanted a 3rd tank so I can separate male and female...but just put almost $200 into pet foods and supplies (dog, cat, rat, and fish) so I posted on our local PIF group asking if anyone had any unwanted/needed tanks with lid (as I have cats and I found replacement hoods are usually hard and expensive to come by. This lady commented that she has one with filter and everything that is 10g or less and pink! I will be picking it up the beginning of the week Smile She could have tried to sell it but instead is passing it on Smile
Pleco Poster
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