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Major green algae problem!!

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Major green algae problem!! Empty Major green algae problem!!

Post by Shell Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:24 pm

We have a ton of that green cottony-looking algae, that comes out looking stringy, in the tequila tank. We were leaving the lights on for seven hours a day, but have since moved it down to 5 1/2 hours (for about a week and a half now). I have cleaned the plants and rocks off several times, only for it to return.

We add Flourish to the water, about half a cap full, once a week. There are six adults, and two babies, and they get fed a pinch of food every morning. On Sundays we feed dulse, and we have one day of fasting (Mondays).

Can this possibly be because the tank is across the room from a window? We have shears on the windows, but I am wondering if I should purchase blinds. Or, could this be due to something completely different?
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by GaryE Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:31 pm

It's the window...
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by Shell Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:23 pm

Got it! So, I guess I am on the hunt for some blinds :-)
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by dany s. Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:14 pm

Ancistrus is excellent algea eater, they will clean your tanks easely!
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by goldfishbetalover Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:22 pm

think I just figured out the slight algae problem in the 75 g (none of the other tanks have it)
although it is quite a distance away from the window the window is still there
never thought it would cause any interference at all but perhaps it is!!!!
it is 10 feet approx away?!
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by Shell Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:32 pm

dany s. wrote:Ancistrus is excellent algea eater, they will clean your tanks easely!
I agree that those guys would do a fantastic job Smile  But, I don't want to add a different kind of fish in with these guys. I am, however, considering adding some snails if the problem continues. Hopefully, the blinds will solve at least most of the problem!

goldfishbetalover wrote:wow!
think I just figured out the slight algae problem in the 75 g (none of the other tanks have it)
although it is quite a distance away from the window the window is still there
never thought it would cause any interference at all but perhaps it is!!!!
it is 10 feet approx away?!
The tequila tank is about 10 feet across the room from the window as well.
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by goldfishbetalover Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:25 pm

well there...that's my problem too!!!!
will have to find something to put up to the window that covers it up!
never thought it would be a problem as it seemed such a distance away!
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by GaryE Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:44 am

Hmm, ten feet away should not be a problem. I was thinking the tank was a lot closer than that. How much of an algae problem is it? I tend to look at some algae as an opportunity, not a problem. It provides food when you're away or the fish feel like snacking, and it is great fry cover. I am annoyed by a hair algae in a couple of my tanks, but all those tanks have been set up for a long time and have a solid population, so I know the cause. The nutrient load in an old tank tends to climb.

If you keep goldfish indoors with lights, algae is almost unavoidable. It doesn't matter what you do - you have a herbivore eating a lot and pooping half of it back into the water. Goldfish are algae machines.

But the tequilas aren't. I'd turn the lights off for a week and discontinue the fertilizing of the water, forever. If you have crypts and slow growth plants, you don't need excel. It may be the extra food the algae is running with. I'm just one guy, but I use no ferts except the rare shot of chelated iron (maybe 2-3 times a year) if I see yellowing leaves. All my tanks are planted, and the plant growth is good.

I have very few "stem" plants though. I go with crypts, ferns and Anubias sp.

If it's from a window ten feet away, check the glass where the sun streams into the tank. It should be coated with algae before you get hair algae in the tank.
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by goldfishbetalover Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:59 am

the tank glass itself is by no means coated
there is a little algae on glass not alot and also a tiny bit on plants
they are not real
maybe it is normal
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by goldfishbetalover Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:02 am

also it is the 75 gallon with the 2 fancy's and black moore
the other 2 tanks appear to be fine
75 has been set up longer....
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by Shell Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:52 pm

Thanks Gary. Of all seven tanks, this is the only one with a major algae problem. The 220 has some algae, but nothing compared to this one. The 55 gets a little on the pants on the top, but it is minor and expected, being so close to the lights. I am willing to try lights out for a week, but I'll experiment with the blinds first. We just bought them and will put them up tomorrow. Well see how it goes after a week. If nothing, I'll experiment with lights out. I'll also stop adding flourish to see if that helps...if the crypts are ok without it, then so am I Very Happy 

Goldfishbetalover, is most of your algae on the top of the plants? If so, you'll want to start rinsing them in the old tank water (after your water change), you can just do one fake plant at a time every water change...might help out. Smile We do this with the 55 and the 10g with the fake plants.
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by GaryE Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:12 am

I know this is two situations in one...

I don't know anyone who has had a goldfish tank for any length of time who hasn't had algae "issues". It's in the nature of the fish - wasteful digestion, and is a reason a lot of people go for ponds for those fish. As they age, they become a lot more work than people expect. Being lazy, I avoid goldfish...

If you drop back on the flourish and lighting short term, you might save yourself having to darken the whole room. I love sunlit rooms.
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Major green algae problem!! Empty Re: Major green algae problem!!

Post by goldfishbetalover Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:30 am

thanks!!!! Gary!
and yes Shell the algae seems to be just near the top of the plants and a little on the glass
you will see if you guys come on up this wknd!
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