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Gouramis and mollies?

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Gouramis and mollies? Empty Gouramis and mollies?

Post by Biulu Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:35 pm

I am preparing for the arrival of my suitcase aka fish, if they made it. I have 2 mature tanks here, one of 25 liters and the other one 180. I plan to put the pseudomugil with the sparkling gouramis in the small tank. The big tank holds some feeder fish mollies for Gary, and a hitchhiked tilapia juvenile. The temp of this tank is currently 23 degrees.

Could I add the chunas to this tank or would there be an issue with temp or the mollies. I know that mollies don't like bettas and since it is the same family...

The alternative would be a bare tank 20 litre that I can set up with heater. The chunas are currently half the size of a full grown dwarf gourami.

What would you suggest I'd do?

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Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Gouramis and mollies? Empty Re: Gouramis and mollies?

Post by GaryE Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:28 am

The Tilapia would worry me more than the mollies. But chuna has delicate feelers, and they could easily be nipped off. I kept (and bred) mine in with Apistogramma, so they can hold their own well.
I would watch closely.
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Gouramis and mollies? Empty Re: Gouramis and mollies?

Post by Biulu Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:09 am

This morning I am watching my chunas and they seem fine. Initially they swam together in the back of the tank but now they are exploring the place individually.

The mollies were a bit like: hey what is this? And came a bit too close to the liking of the chunas. Nothing happened though, the chunas simply avoided close contact. The tilapia can't be bothered; he doesn't even pay attention; he is too busy checking out some new anubias that I acquired.

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Gouramis and mollies? Empty Re: Gouramis and mollies?

Post by Biulu Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:39 am

So, aggression wise everything is fine with the gouramis, they are out and about. However, I do notice that at the time of feeding, the chunas are disadvantaged. The mollies act like real Mexican 'gandallas' and snatch away the food in front of the chunas. They are all over the place! The gentle chunas just steer away when a molly approaches.

I will watch this for another 2 days and if I feel the chunas are not getting their share of the food, I will transfer them to their own tank.

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Gouramis and mollies? Empty Re: Gouramis and mollies?

Post by hello_rockview12 Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:14 am

It's so frustrating when that happens! You just want them to play nice but they never seem to understand my accent.......

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Location : Regina

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